| Conclusion of Markets Project, Phase One Dear Friends, Since January of this year we at A New Story Foundation have been investigating the possibility of 1) forecasting key commodities and indices of the futures market and 2) forecasting potential for social instability based on forecasts of market changes. We began doing weekly forecasts from January through April. In April we began doing monthly forecasts, and are doing quarterly forecasts for the first time this quarter. The results have been far better than we could have anticipated, yet we continue to find ways to improve our methodology and our accuracy. In spite of the improvement in the quality of our forecasts, or perhaps because of it we have come to the following conclusions: 1) Publicly distributing futures market forecasts, especially as their reliability improves, could detract from the purpose we exist for, giving the public the impression that our focus is on investments and wealth building. 2) Our Markets Project has given us tools we will continue to use and improve in order to gauge the economy as well as the likelihood of events that could have an impact on society in general. 3) While we will no longer distribute specific futures market forecasts, we will publish a monthly bulletin of conditions to watch for in the coming month(s), implications for you and your family, and recommendations for preparations that may help make trouble spots a bit easier to ride out. While we will not be charging for this service, and would be more than happy to send you a copy of The Crow’s Nest’s monthly bulletin, we do not wish to contribute to the large number of unsolicited emails. Therefore, we ask that should you be interested in receiving this valuable information summarizing the most current and likely near future news, that you reply to this email and we will be glad to send you a copy each month. Last, but not least, I wish to thank each of you for your interest, your encouragement, and your support as we took on this project and continued to break new ground. It has been well worth it, and we are now ready to begin a Phase II, to apply the tools that we have developed, as we continue to fine tune them. Best regards, Cari |